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Call for Session Proposals

Freelance Workshop Cal for Session Proposals
Image by Lauren Mancke


Annual Freelance Workshop (In-person)


Staying Competitive in a Crowded Marketplace:
Building Your Freelance Business


Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 am to 4:45 pm EST

The Alloy Hotel, 301 West Dekalb Pike, King of Prussia, PA 19406

Submit a session proposal for an opportunity to share your expertise and increase your visibility and authority as presenter or roundtable leader at the AMWA-DVC 23rd Annual Freelance Workshop.


Instructions: Your proposal should fit the theme of  Staying Competitive in a Crowded Marketplace: Building Your Freelance Business. The theme is intentionally broad, and proposals can be on any aspect of freelance medical writing or editing. The call for oral presentation proposals is closed. We are still accepting submissions for Roundtables: 

  • Oral Presentation (no new proposals will be accepted): 45-minute presentation (35-minute talk and 10-minute Q&A) 

  • Roundtable (up to 20 accepted proposals): 50-minute interactive facilitated discussions each with a maximum of 10 participants​

Extended submission deadline for roundtable proposals: Saturday, November 30, 2024

Review and timing: The Freelance Workshop Committee will review all proposals and notify you of the decision by Sunday, December 15, 2024. Each accepted proposal will receive 1 free registration to this virtual workshop (1 complimentary registration per presentation).

Proposal submission: Submit your session proposal by completing the following 3 steps:

  1. Review the Call for Proposals instructions and Proposal Submission form.

  2. For each session you are proposing, complete 1 of these Proposal Submission pdf forms and save the pdf to your computer.

  3. Email the pdf of your completed Proposal Submission form to

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