​Who We Are
AMWA-DVC, a 501(c)(6) non-profit, is an organization run by volunteers. To learn about our governance structure, read the current version of our Chapter bylaws. We are always looking for more volunteers to help us develop and run programs for our community. This is a great way to network and no experience is necessary! Interested? First, read more about our volunteer opportunities on the Get Involved page. Second, send an email to one of our officers or key volunteers or complete the form in the Contact page.

2024-2025 Key Committees and Volunteers
Freelance Workshop: Lori De Milto, MJ (Co-Chair); Kathy Molnar-Kimber, PhD (Interim Co-Chair)
Membership: Lori De Milto, MJ (Chair)
Communications: Tara Rachinsky, PhD (Chair)
Delawriter Newsletter: Courtney Lepping, MS (Managing Editor)
Member Engagement: Sadia Chaudhry-Zutshi, MD, DBA, (Chair)
Princeton Forum: Dan Benau, PhD (Co-Chair); TBD (Co-Chair)
PA/NJ Programs: Laura Sheppard, MBA, MA (Chair)
Website and Social Media: Monica Nicosia, PhD, CMPP (Chair)
AMWA National Chapter Advisory Council: Dan Benau, PhD (Delegate)
2024-2025 Executive Committee
President: Jennie G. Jacobson, PhD, CMPP
President-Elect: Suzanne Bujara, MBA
Secretary: Jasmine Moore, PharmD
Treasurer: Don Harting, MA, MS
Immediate Past President: Deborah Anderson, PhD